This is a photograph of the Christmas Party of the Power Cables Research Unit held at The Cheshire Cheese in Central London around 1954.
Although called a research unit its function was really development and engineering. When I joined in 1946 its main activity concerned the exploitation of the Impregnated Pressure (I.P.) cable. This Supertension cable design had been developed by the Callender Company before the 1939-45 war but wide commercial use did not occur until after the war. The work of the unit included the extension of the voltage range, improvement of accessories, type approval, and the introduction of aluminium sheaths. The unit was also very much involved with particular contract design and the problems that were experienced on site.
When I joined BICC, D.T.Hollingsworth was in charge. Around 1952 he moved to become Chief Engineer of Glovers. Dr.A.L.Williams was recruited from Westinghouse Research Laboratories to take his place from. Dr. Williams had no previous experience of Supertension cables and I was given the job of being his personal assistant until he became familiar with the products. Of those of you who knew Dr.Williamas realise that this did not take very long.
At the head of the table is Dr.Williams Starting on his right are:Bill Brotherton, Dennis Benford, Alf Fish*, Jack ?*, Norman Cox, me, Roman Russek, Sid Salvage, Freddy Collins, Tom Page, Chris Stringfellow*,Morrie Morrison, John Clarke, Joe Spode, Bob.Morrison and Dennis Farr.
* members of the HV Laboratory

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